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Wacky Apples – Oh How We Love Apples!

Written by: | Published: October 21, 2013 | Updated: June 05, 2017

My kids adore apples and most anything made with apples. So, I opened the box of Wacky Apple goodness, I had to guard my apple loot  just to get photos to share with you. Wacky Apple is a family owned, Colorado company that offers a variety of healthy snacks and juices my kids love.

Wacky Apple Snacks and Juices
Wacky Apple Snacks and Juices

Everything is delicious. The kids packed juices and apple sauce in their lunch boxes. We used some of the apple sauce to make homemade banana bread (I'll share the recipe soon) and the Flat Fruit (fruit leather type snack) was scrumptious.

Wacky Apple in your lunch box!
Wacky Apple in your lunch box!


Wacky Apple Flat Fruit
Wacky Apple Flat Fruit


10 Ways to use Wacky Apples:

  1. Put it in your lunch – everything is available in kid side, ready to pack, individual servings.
  2. Snack time – I can put all of the juices, apple sauces and flat fruit in kid friendly reach because my kids will eat it and I'm ok with them pigging out on it.
  3. Use in favorite recipes – the apple sauce is great in banana bread. The juices are great in my meatloaf recipe.
  4. Use instead of jam or jelly – spread the apple sauce right on your toast, peanut butter sandwiches or pancakes.
  5. Make a fall fruit salad – cut up fresh fruit, add a container of apple sauce and a tsp of cinnamon, YUM!
  6. Add extras for a hearty snack – add nuts and raisins into a cup of apple sauce for a fun “Trail mix” style snack.
  7. Warm it up – heat up a cup of apple juice with a dash of cinnamon for a toasty warm drink.
  8. Mix it up – add apple sauce and yogurt to a bit of granola for a tasty breakfast.
  9. Play with your food – the Flat fruit is great for fun snack food creations. Cut it into shapes and play a bit.
  10. Party! – The apple juices come in little cups with a sealed foil “lid”, just poke a straw through the top and  they are ready to drink. This makes for a great kid friendly beverage.. add a cute straw with a party flag and you're good to go!


Wacky Apple - Real Food - Smart Kids
Wacky Apple – Real Food – Smart Kids

I love that this is a family owned company and am always happy to find locally made products, but what I love most is that it's yummy snack options my kids not only like to eat, but ask for. We were grocery shopping the other day at Sprouts and saw an entire display of Wacky Apple products and my kids got so excited. How can you say no to requests for things you know are good for them?

Wacky Apple at Sprouts Market
Wacky Apple at Sprouts Market

Some fun extras about Wacky Apple (such a cool company!):

Another way we have taken the fruits of our family business AND our mission to provide local, organic and delicious foods to kids is by donating over $14,000  worth of our Wacky Apple applesauce, juices and flat fruit to The Food Bank of the Rockies to include in their kids backpacks!
– Sarah Tuft, Marketing Director andApple Farmer’s Daughter.

All of  Wacky Apple products are gluten free, lactose free, only contain natural sugars from fresh fruit itself and nothing artificial.

  • 5 flavors of organic apple sauce
  • 5 flavors of organic apple juice
  • 3 flavors of Flat Fruit (AKA: fruit leather)
  • Seasonal organic fresh fruit such as apples, pears and black berries – which are going into numerous Colorado School districts for their ‘local & healthy’ lunch programs.

Find a great selection of recipes that use Wacky Apple products on their website.

More great Wacky Apple Stuff:

What do you think about Wacky Apple, have you tried their products?

Disclaimer – I was sent free product to try for this article.

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Jen Goode Headshot

Jen is Passionate about Creativity. She is the owner and "doodle in charge" of JGoode Designs, a Denver based design studio. She is an illustrator, mixed media artist and creative lifestyle blogger. Jen has been a creative professional since 1998 but says she's been an artist since she was old enough to eat glue.

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