Using a meal planning sheet or a grocery list can really help keep the food finances in check. Sometimes getting organized doesn't require emptying out the closets or rearranging the garage. You just have to look in the pantry or the refrigerator and take inventory before you run out for take out to get your food budget in order. I don't always use them… life gets too busy to stop and print out a sheet and make a list. Then I remember, when life is busy, that's exactly when I need to be making a meal plan for the week or writing down the grocery list. These free printables will help you get your food planning in order.
Meal Planning and Grocery List Printables
I designed a printable meal planning set last year but wanted to mix up the look a little. So, here's a new meal planning set you can print and use too!
The set includes:
- A weekly meal planning sheet with space for dates and side dishes.
- Grocery list – just write down what you want to remember to buy.
- Freezer meals – I like to cook multiple meals at once and then store everything in the freezer. This list helps me remember what I've made without digging through the freezer all the time.
If you like these printable meal planning sheets, check out the first set I designed. I added a little bit of hand doodle lettering for fun.