Do you draw? I love to doodle, yet I saw I don't really “draw”. I sketch random things, I scribble and play with lines. I love to draw whatever comes to mind, quick happy sketches of whatever comes to mind. I always carry drawing pens with me now. This hasn't always been a habit, but just recently I started carrying a variety of black ink pens so if I feel inspired to doodle something, I can. I think being prepared incase creativity strikes is far easier than sitting and trying to drum up a creative idea on command. Really, you never know when your next brilliant idea might pop up!

Here are 16 ideas to inspire you to draw more:
- Always carry a pen or other drawing tool that you enjoy drawing with.
- Draw what you see when you're out and about.
- Draw how you feel using color and lines.
- Draw things you invent in your mind. Imagination is a fantastic skill to use when you draw.
- Draw your impression of a photo. Or draw right on top of a photo. Outline the photo or add to the photo with your line work.
- Draw food on your plate. Or draw how your food makes you feel. Food can be a great inspiration for art.
- Draw the image in your mind when you hear music, sports commentators or anything else.
- Draw words – Writing words is one thing, but turn each letter into a piece of art takes a different thought process, try it.
- Try to “draw” words in a style that describes their meaning.
- Draw with different colors. You can draw the same thing over and over, using different colors to create a whole new feed to your drawing.
- Draw with different types of pens, pencils, markers, crayons, etc.
- Draw on anything, big or small. Drawing on different sized paper or different materials can result in fun looks and textures. Your line work will change a bit with different techniques and materials, go with it and grow your style.
- Draw out of perspective – Don't worry about making sure perspective is correct or everything looks realistic. Your drawing hand might not be that of a realist… be ok with your own personal style and drawing “hand”.
- Add texture by drawing texture. Use lines, dots, hatch marks, whatever comes to mind. Your lines don't have to be perfect, just play with your pen.
- Pull out an old drawing and try re-drawing it with a new twist.
- Study work by other artists and allow their vision to inspire your own unique ideas. I don't usually know artist names or news, trends or really much else about other artists – but allowing yourself to
Now you've read the entire list – and you're ready to get drawing, right? Typically there are two ways to go from here… 1. grab a pen and start drawing, or 2. come up with reasons why you just can't. STOP I say! If you need a little more motivation to just dive in, go read my article: You ARE creative, don't compare your abilities. Everyone is creative in their own unique way, and drawing is a skill to be learned. Drawing and developing a style you love just takes practice, time and patience. You need to realize your style isn't necessarily going to look how you picture in your head. Be ok with that. Just get out a pen and draw however you like. That's it, that's the make to doodling or drawing or any kind of art and creativity. Draw, draw, draw without comparing. Big, small, easy, complex, whatever you want, just pick up a pen and draw something.
If you're still a tiny bit stuck, and you need some ideas of where to start your creative adventure, check out : 107 ideas to inspire creativity. Then stop back by and tell me how you're doing!
RT @jgoode: Ideas to Inspire Creative Drawing and Doodle Time