Downloading Printables and Coloring Pages on Android

You can download and print my printables and coloring pages from your smartphone. If you are using an Android smartphone, here is how to download and print with an Android smartphone.

Downloading Printables on Android

Pdf printables and Android

Most of my FREE printables and coloring pages are PDF files. Because of this, your deviced needs to be able to read or open a pdf file. As of this writing, Android devices do not offer a default built-in app. So, I have a couple you can check out that should work great for you.

How to Download and Print Printables and coloring pages on Android

  1. Click the download link, and the download indicator appears in the top status bar.
  2. When the download is complete, a box at the bottom prompts you to see if you want to open the file. This box goes away fairly quickly, so watch for it. 
  3. Next, click the open link OR drag down the top bar to display the details for the download icon there.
  4. Click on that entry, and the pdf loaded in the app.
  5. You can then choose to print wirelessly to your local printer.
Downloading printables with Android
Downloading printables with Android
Downloading printables with Android

If you have another favorite way to access printables from your Android-based smartphone, I'd love to hear your tips and tricks! I hope this is helpful. Let me know if it works for you.

Now that you are ready, here is a list of printables and coloring pages for you to try!

Special thanks to my buddy Joel over at Lab 6 Media for helping me with this tutorial today.

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