Crafting with kids is always a fun time – making hands on kids crafts is twice as fun. Creating crafts with kids that can be played with later is even more fun! You can make your own toys, make musical instruments, puppets and even learning activities. Here are a bunch of fun crafts to make with or for your kids. I hope you enjoy these hands on kids crafts.

Hands on Kids Crafts
Explore, experiment, try and try it all again, kids crafts can full of learning. Use different materials to teach with a hand on experience for your kids. Let them get their hands dirty. Let them try to figure out how to put something together. Play with colors and then do it all again tomorrow. Crafting is about learning first hand how materials work together to make beautiful, fun and even useful things. Enjoy the journey with your kids with these fun hands on kids craft.
I love all the great learning crafts at Twin Talk. Here's another great kids craft you can make for your little ones… a zipper board. Your kids can practice their fine motor skills zipping and un-zipping all these zippers for hours!
Create little picture frames using perler beads. This is a craft for a little older kids because it requires kids be able to use their pinching fingers to pick up and place the beads. It's a fun puzzle by craft activity that kids will enjoy doing over and over. I created a full tutorial for this project over at Crafts Unleashed.
Kids LOVE to create crafts that they can play music with. These DIY rain sticks are a super fun project your kids can decorate however they like and then play with as shakers and listen to the pretend rain they've created. Full tutorial at Danya Banya.
Use plastic straws and yarn to create a weaving loom for your kids. They can create pretty woven art pieces in no time! Full tutorial at Mama Smiles.
Use printable craft projects to create paper toy crafts with your kids. This free printable paper doll set is part of a series I designed by Kids Activities Blog. You can grab the starter set and then additional outfit sets to create a whole family of paper dolls.
Get out the popsicle sticks (aka craft sticks) and make these adorable wool sheep puppets with your kids – love them! Full tutorial at Best Toys for Toddlers.
Get out the air dry clay and make little play accessories with your kids. We made tiny clay cupcakes and then painted them so our American Girl Dolls would have cupcakes for breakfast too!
You can make paper toys with just scissors, brads and your imagination. You can download a free template to color and then cut out to make this cute paper penguin. Full tutorial and free printable here.
Last Idea for today about hands on kids crafts… some crafts are truly a joint effort before you and your child. This doll crown and wand set was cut using a Cricut machine and then hand decorated. My 7 year old isn't quite ready for the cutting machine crafting yet, but she loves to paint and add glitter and ribbons to her projects. I created the pieces and then she assembled and decorated everything.
If you would like more kid craft inspiration, I have a whole Pinterest board full of all kinds of crafts for kids. Check out my Kids Crafts Pinterest Board here!
Follow Jen Goode's board Kids – Crafts – general on Pinterest.