There are so many great crafts and DIY projects you can make with yarn. The awesome thing about yarn projects are the huge variety of project types you can create. From practical items like gloves and scarves to beautiful woven decor and even string art. I love it all! Here I have a few different yarn craft projects you might like to try. Even I can do the dye craft.. what will you tackle?

Fun Yarn Projects You Can Make
I do not make much with yarn except for a mess so I really love seeing the beautiful yarn crafts others make. I've tried both knitting and crocheting, without much luck. But I think as my kids get older and I have more time to focus, I'll try again. Right now, my daughter is trying to teach herself how to crochet… so maybe a mother-daughter adventure is ahead!
Check out all these fabulous ideas you can make with your newly found love of yarn. I've gathered a collection of projects designed by all kinds of creative people… I hope you enjoy them!
This gorgeous knitting loom neck warmer was creating using a knitting loom. The fabulous thing about knitting looms is you don't necessarily have to know how to knit with needles, the loom helps take on that burden so you can enjoy the process to make lovely knit things. This full tutorial is available over at Tried and True. I haven't tried a knitting loom yet, but I'm pretty sure my fear of the yarn crafts will greatly improve once I do.
Make yourself or your someone cute and special this adorable Wildflower Crocheted Hat. The flower and the hat are created separately, so you can mix and match yarns however you'd like. You could probably make a hand stitched applique to go along with your pretty flower design too if you'd like. The full tutorial for this project can be found over at Being Spiffy.
How adorable is this hand knit sunglasses case? I love the chevron pattern that's knit right into the design. Find out how to create this cute case at Hands Occupied.
I had no idea you could dye yarn with kool-aid! Mama Smiles shows us how to explore color and experiment with the kids as we work in our own yarn colors. Just think how much fun you can have… dye the yarn and then use your knitting loom to make something fabulous! Read more about this project here.
Do you ever think to yourself, “hey self, we should make a wreath and pretty up that front door”? Well, now here's a super and simple project to get you on the road to creating the best darn wreath ever! Grab some yarn and a wreath form and you're good to go. find out how to make your own pretty yarn wreath over at Hydrangea Hippo.
There are so many more fun yarn projects you can make! I hope you grab yourself a ball of your favorite color and just try it. You don't have to do anything super fancy or extra complicated, just play around and see what you create!