Back to school is such a busy time of year, don't you think? So take a minute to make it fun, in the midst of the prep and organizing chaos is important. Today I have a fun selection of fun back-to-school crafts you can make with the kids, for a teacher and for your home. Some of my favorite crafty people have shared these ideas with us today, I hope you love them too!

Do you make crafts for Back-to-School?
Confession: we do't do much in my house. We are lucky if we get all the supplies and have shoes that fit. Working from home, it's easy to get side tracked and forget we still needed to pick up that pack of paper or buy someone a new coat (yeah, it's happened… thank goodness they didn't freeze!).
Fun Back-to-School Crafts
Whether you want to decorate school supplies or set up an entire homework desk, there are plenty of crafts you can create for back-to-school season. So to make things easy on everyone let's break this down into ideas you can choose from. These are just jump start ideas to hopefully spark a little bit of back-to-school creativity for you.
If you are feel super crafty, go all out and have a blast!
Should we call you Martha? I agree, no. Grab your favorite tools and start creating, you know you want to and the excuse today is back-to-school happiness!
- Make a personalized book bag
- Make those cool paper book covers
- Sew a handmade pencil case
You don't feel like a craft super star but would love to look like one
You don't have to sew like a rock star or paint like a pro to make your own crafty goodness. It's not cheating to use pre-made products. Do what you can and love it the entire way.
- Personalize the school supplies with washi tape
- Add monograms to their note books with iron-on vinyl
- Use a sharpie to personalize water bottles and lunch boxes
Hardly craft ever, but you have 5 minutes to spare
You don't need to be super crafty. Add your own personal touch. You can use a permanent marker or super sticky tape and add just a little customization to something you already have.
- Grab the decorative duct tape and start personalizing everything
- Glue some google eyes on to pencils for cute characters that make the kids giggle
- Use ribbon to decorate a backpack
Take a look at all these fun back-to-school ideas!
What are you favorite fun back-to-school crafts? I'd love to hear all about them!