We are a football watching family. Seeing the Broncos make it to the Big Game is a pile of Big Excitement around here. We aren't a gambling family… but a little fun for the game is always a must. So, I am sharing a football pool printable you can use at your own football party.

I've created this printable in a black and white format so you can color to match whatever teams are playing or your favorite football team. Because we are big Denver fans, I'm going with blue and orange for my example football pool colors. But you can choose blue whatever color combinations you like.
Printable Football Pool Game
The printable football pool includes a blank space for each team name so you can use this grid layout no matter which teams you want, any time you want. Customize the page by printing on colored paper, coloring the page however you like, adding stickers or using colored markers to write in the teams of the game. Have fun with it!
There are a few different ways to run a football pool
In this case, with this printable grid, here's the basic idea…
Each participant in the pool takes a guess at what the final score of the game is going to be. Then you take the LAST number of each team's score and find it on the grid. Located where the numbers intersect on the grid and place your initials in that square.
Continue until all the pool participants have selected their squares. You can play this game for money by putting a dollar value on each square or just play for fun… whatever you like.
I hope you have fun with this printable football pool game! What plans do you have for the Big Game?