Tayasui Sketches is one of my favorite drawing apps and is available for both iPhone and iPad. There is a free and pro version which are both fantastic. The line quality and options you get are really fun to use. Although the free version is really great, you are going to love it so much, you'll want to upgrade. Tayasui Sketches is beautiful, it's elegant and you can make amazing art with it.

Drawing on Your iPhone with Tayasui Sketches
Of course the stylus you use does make a difference – some of the stylus choices are just easier to use than others options. The app itself is just really a joy to use. There are a variety of tools to create with. The app includes a help section and auto save. Tayasui Sketches also offers layers in the pro version.
Tayasui Sketches Free Version Features:
- “Paper” options – the background of your drawing space has various textures
- Pencil
- Technical Pen
- Marker
- Paint Brush
- Eraser
- 48 color color pallet
- Color wheel
- 1 layer
- Beautiful line and brush strokes
- Save to a variety of sources including the photo library and Dropbox
When you are looking for the app, currently the screen view looks like this… but you can create so many more looks than this cute cartoon kitty.
Here's a view of a drawing I created on the iphone in the free version:
Download your copy of Tayasui Sketches and try it out!
You can purchase the individual upgrades such as a tools editor with additional tool pack or the layers pack for $1.99 each. Or you can purchase the pro version fo $4.99 which includes a wide array of additional functions.
Some of the Tayasui Sketches Pro extra features
- Import a photo
- More tools – 4 additional tools including a pattern brush
- Additional paper background options
- tool options and editor – change stroke size and opacity.
- Layers – move, merge and use multiply mode
- Export to icloud
- Save to even more sources including Tumbler and Flickr
The only thing that I think is missing is the ability to export as an eps or pdf file. Right now you can export to icloud or save to a number of online locations including DropBox. However, there is an export to icloud option that should export the drawing in transparent PNG layers. I haven't tried this yet.. I'm still trying to figure out icloud and my new iMac – too many options I tell ya!
I really love Tayasui Sketches. It's a great drawing app with a ton of fantastic features. It's convenient to use and the pro version is available at a great price for what you get. This app is just as handy as carrying around a paper sketchpad without the need for my bag of pencils and markers… love! Download your copy of Tayasui Sketches and try it out!
Why don’t my sketches that I draw on my iphone also get saved on my iPad? Really annoying!
As far as I know.. the app is not connected to any kind of cloud storage. So if you want each app to have all your art, you’d have to save the image to your own cloud service like Dropbox. Sorry!