We are a Dr. Seuss loving family for sure. My youngest just started reading on her own and Dr. Seuss stories are her absolute favorites! So, when my friend Angie over at The Country Chic Cottage asked if I wanted to join her this month to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday, I said YES PLEASE! So I created Dr. Seuss Inspired Printable Bookmarks and reading log you can print out and use too.
Download this free reading printable below…

Because reading is the theme of the day, I wanted to create a project my kids would be excited to use too.
Dr. Seuss Inspired Printable Reading Kit
The printable bookmark is a great gift idea too, but I wanted to encourage them to read as well. So I created a simple reading log that each child can write their own name on and keep track of all their fun books.
For this project simply download, print and cut out each piece. I went a little further with ours, I cut out the bookmarks and the reading logs and then glued them on to coordinating card stock. I used red on 1 set and blue on another so each of my kids can tell which set is theirs.
Tip for you when making the reading logs:
I laminated both the printable bookmarks and reading logs after gluing them onto the cardstock. However, I discovered that my dry erase markers don't work well on the laminate I used. So, I would have been fine to use regular non-laminated versions. Now we have to use Sharpies to make sure the writing shows up and we won't be able to use the reading logs a second time. Avoid the laminating and save yourself 5 minutes!
Dr. Seuss inspired reading kit
For more awesome Dr. Seuss ideas, stop by The Country Chic Cottage and take a look at all of Angie's Dr. Seuss projects and crafts!
I'd love to hear what your favorite Dr. Seuss books are… if you download these bookmarks and decorate them yourself, tell me about it!
Thank you!