I don't think we send out thank you cards like we used to. So I decided to try to change that, one card at a time. So here's a fun Thank You Card making kit you can print and make right at home. Just download the printable art files below, cut out the art and assemble.

I've included a specially designed envelope that coordinates with these DIY thank you cards too. You can also cut the cards down to fit a standard envelope if you prefer. The card page comes with extra expressions you can cut out and glue to the cards or use to decorate the envelope. Get creative and make your own unique thank you cards.
Print the card art on card stock. I print the envelope art on cardstock too, but regular printer paper is also fine. The card art is one-sided and non-folding, but you can create your own folding card with it too.
More creative ideas to use these thank you card printables:
Print the envelope art on different paper colors.
Use these thank you cards to decorate a black folding card. The David Tutera line by Coordinations includes a square blank card set that works perfectly! You can get these blank cards from Joanns or make your own using blank card stock.
Confession: I'm not good at sending thank you cards. I'm not good at getting my kids to send thank you cards either. I always have great intentions. I spend time designing my own cards, making a list of who to send to and then I guess I lose focus (odd for me, don't you think?). So, here's a resolution for the new year… I'm going to try to change my card sending habit and I'm starting with these cards – I dare you to join me. Maybe between us, someone will actually receive a card!
Side note thought: I always make sure I plan a family cookie-making day. So maybe I can plan a family thank you card day. If I plan it like a party, maybe it would be an event everyone can't wait for. I'll gather yummy snacks, all kinds of card-making and writing goodies and bring out the motivational pom poms – maybe tomorrow will be the day!
Here's to happy Thank you card writing.
Download the Thank you card kit file below