Join us as we share our creativity. The Designer Crafts Connection is a group of professional designers and crafters coming together to share creative ideas. The first Monday of every month you will find a whole new series of fantastic craft projects and designer ideas to explore.

What started out as a blog hop to support 3 friends and their product launch has taken on a life of its own. We formed a webring – the ring is comprised of a group of exemplary designers with tons of knowledge about the creative industry. Sharing our knowledge is the main reason for this formation. We are all independent designers working in the creative field. As a group our skills and specialties are varied. The group consists of leading edge designers in a variety of mediums, creating trendy projects for the home, gifts and more. We have been inspired by each other and want to continue sharing ideas with you.
This designer craft group also works with manufacturers to spotlight products and share tips and tricks for project creation success. If you're looking for creative inspiration, this is the place to be!
Get social. Visit your fellow bloggers’ project posts for inspiration. Tweet or Facebook your favorites! It’s a great way to meet new bloggers and make new friends!!
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