When you're creative, not having supplies nearby and sometimes make ya twitch. So making a traveling art box is a must! Gather your favorite art things and put them in a box to take on the go so you don't miss a day of creating. You can even call this kit one of your project ideas for the day. I've been so busy traveling I haven't had time to stop and take a break in my own craft studio. So I've gathered my own favorite art supplies to I can draw or color or make a little craft. Airplane crafting isn't easy, but road trips… no problem!

Making a Traveling Art Box
Sometimes when I travel, I wish I could make some art or put together a craft project, however there is no way I can bring all my supplies with me where ever I go. So, I've put together a little box of essential craft supplies so when I go on vacation or am traveling for business, I have some materials to enable my creativity to flourish. Adapt this for your own needs and remember to check for any restrictions when traveling via airplanes or other public vehicles.
This little crafty kit works well while driving on a road trip, sitting by the lake or hanging out on the deck.
Things I have in my travel craft box…
Start with a small supply box and use Sharpie paint pens to decorate and label. I also made similar boxes for my kids, so labeling with names was important for us.
Inside I included:
- watercolor colored pencils – they can be used for drawing, coloring AND painting.
- A water pen so I can paint the watercolor pencils.
- Black graphic pens
- Small bottle of glue
- Buttons in various sizes and colors
- Cotton cord or string
- Kids safety scissors – I think these are airplane ok – double check though
- Glue sticks (quick drying and easy to use on the road)
- Double sided tape – can never have too much adhesive!
- Tissue – for cleaning the water brush, smudging colors and a million other useful purposes.
- A variety of paint brushes.
I also have a small sketchbook with great quality drawing paper that I can use for drawing, painting and crafting.
With these supplies I can draw, paint and create a whole slew of mixed media projects while on the road.
What would you put in your traveling art box?
Great idea! Where did you get the pink box?