I just want to remind you today, that seriously, no one is born an artist but I truly believe everyone is born creative. You have to be brave to let your creativity shine through and if that means creating art then do it. Just grab a pen and see what happens gosh darnit! You have got to stop getting in your own way, being worried that you aren't going to get it right. You aren't in a competition with anyone when you create art, you are in being blessed with the opportunity to share a bit of yourself – and I know that might be scary, but it might be a moment your heart needs to really shine.

Art can not be judged, it's a matter of opinion, there really is no right or wrong. Sure, you can be really bad at drawing things from a realistic point of view. Have you seen my art? When's the last time you saw a penguin wearing a sombrero… really!? You could be really bad at drawing things in perspective – unless you are an architect or a technical illustrator, perspective doesn't matter either.
When is the last time the world came to an end because a kindergartner use the orange crayon for the sky and the purple crayon to color the unicorn's tail? Kids aren't afraid, so we shouldn't be either.. this is A.R.T. I tell ya! If someone doesn't like what you make, then I guess they don't need to hang it in their living room. If your mom doesn't like it… then don't get it printed as a card for Mother's day. That's all. No biggie.
I had an art teacher in high school give me a D on an assignment because she didn't like my technique. What she really meant was my art didn't look like her art. Well thank goodness! If mine looked like hers, maybe I could take her job and she'd end up homeless. I wouldn't want to do that, now would I? That's far too much pressure for a high school kid.
No one can truly judge your art but you. It's part of your heart, your soul and your inner thoughts that end up in your tangible creation. Who can judge that? I'm telling you, be nice to yourself – go make something and call it your own and be proud of yourself for doing it!
I'm proud of you already.
If you'd like to see more of my photo inspiration, follow me on Instagram @ jgoodedesigns.