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5 things worth repeating every day

Written by: | Published: September 24, 2011 | Updated: April 27, 2015

I find myself saying the same things sometimes to the point that I can't remember who I told and who I haven't but needs to hear it. Here are 5 of those things that I think are worth repeating over and over. The key is to be good to yourself always – Sometimes I need reminding too.

5 things worth repeating every day
5 things worth repeating every day

Nothing is free
Including your own time, skill and effort, nothing is ever free. I personally like to give a lot of what I do away. I like helping people and giving back. I've been told by many than I should charge for my help. Here's the line you need to find within yourself as well… as soon as you charge for something, there is an expectation. So, make sure, when you offer things for a price, you are providing to the level of the fee. If you are asking fro something, you are willing to pay what it's worth and if you are paying for something you get what you pay for.

Which leads right into…

Charge what you're worth
When you have to ask yourself if you are charging enough for your hard work, stop and remember you aren't charging for the time it takes you to do the work. You are charging for the time it takes to do the work, plus the skill to know how to do the work. You are also charging for the time it's taken you to learn how to do the work at the level of skill you do it. So if you think your time is only worth $10 an hour, take a step back and remember how many late nights you've spent learning and failing and re-reading to learn how to do whatever it is the first time now.

How do you know what you're worth if you don't know what you're doing? Well…

I'm the worst when it comes to getting distracted and needing to focus on a single project. I'm constantly fighting with myself to remember to finish a task I started no matter how important another task may seem at the moment. However, when you push distractions aside, not only will you produce more focused results, you're more likely be able to focus better on the next task.

Make sure whatever you are focusing on, you are listening to this next tid bit…

Do what you love
I hear entirely too often how much people aren't enjoying their jobs, their daily lives, their schedule, whatever. I realize there are bills to pay and kids to take care and all that responsibility oriented stuff. However, if you aren't happy with some of it, most of it or especially not happy with any of it…. then either you need to rethink what you are doing OR rethink what makes you happy. Sometimes I think we need to step back and take a new look at whatever it is and find a new perspective so that we are happy doing what we are doing. If you are happy, you will be successful! (Remember, success is one of those relative terms).

With all that hard work, make sure there is still time set aside to enjoy the rewards…

Take time for yourself
This is directly related to #3 and happiness in general. I don't take for myself often enough, nor do most post. However, what you do for yourself is completely a personal choice. My ideal “me time” is creating for me with no interruptions. It's not a girls night out or a hot bath. Is enjoying the creative process for no reason other than I want to and I can and no one is going to bug me every 5 minutes. you need to find time that you can regroup, re-collect your thoughts and relax with yourself.

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Jen Goode Headshot

Jen is Passionate about Creativity. She is the owner and "doodle in charge" of JGoode Designs, a Denver based design studio. She is an illustrator, mixed media artist and creative lifestyle blogger. Jen has been a creative professional since 1998 but says she's been an artist since she was old enough to eat glue.

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