We just went to this year's Colorado Renaissance Festival and had a blast once again. I've told you before what we love about this event, but since I have brand new fresh photos, I wanted to share a little list of some of our favorite activities. Every weekend has a different theme. I didn't pay attention to what the themes were so we ended up showing up to the WINE REVELRY! Weekend. There were free wine tastings during the day which I didn't stop to try. No matter what the theme, there's all kinds of family fun no matter when you go!

If you realllly want a great weekend for kids, you'll want to plan ahead for the kids weekend. We were happy with our wine tasting setting. There were still plenty of family activities and fun to find.
My favorite photo of the day is this close up of tiny fairy dust jars from Twig's cart. Magic in a bottle.. I didn't look how much they cost, but I love how they look. Twig also had books and other fun fairy gifts you can buy.
Here are 10 things we loved at this year's Colorado Renaissance Festival
Disclaimer – although we already attend every year, this year I received free tickets to attend this event and write about my experiences. Read more about the fun we have at the Colorado Renaissance Festival. You can also check out the Colorado Renaissance Festival facebook page and website.