When you are wondering what to do when you are bored, ramp up that creativity and imagine some fun ideas. I have 10 boredom busters for you that should get your creative mojo started and all you need is a bag of Nestlé® Crunch®. Here's 10 family fun things you can do to entertain yourself or your kids on those slow going days (or just day you really want to have an excuse to play with your food!).
Visit the Nestlé® Crunch® Facebook page for more fun ideas!

What to Do When You are Bored
10 fun boredom buster ideas using Nestlé® Crunch®
Let me first start off this list with a little note about candy boredom busters in my house. My kids sneak all my candy all the time. They think that if they only take one, I won't notice and they are probably right. But they continue to repeat their only one sneak approach and 3 days later half my bag of candy, for my project, is gone. I have found myself saying “Stop Eating My Work” for the last week! That could be boredom buster #1… but I'll call it a bonus you can add to the list.
These ideas are in no particular order… for more fun boredom busting ideas, check out the Nestlé® Crunch® facebook page #LifeHacktoBoredom
- Put a bunch of Nestlé® Buncha Crunch® in a little jar and have everyone guess how many candy pieces are in the jar. The winner gets to keep the jar of candy.
2. Grab a bag of Nestlé® Crunch® Fun Size Bars and see how high you can stack them. It's fun to watch the kids figure out different ways to stack the candy. Note: we did try to play a little JENGA, but that lasts just long enough to pull out one candy bar.
3. Get out the toy trains and build a yummy train track with a whole bag of Nestlé® Crunch® Fun Size Bars. How far can you build the track before you have to eat one?
4. Remember that jar of Nestlé® Buncha Crunch®? Empty out the jar and play a game of desk ball – try to toss each candy piece back into the jar. You get to eat what you miss!
5. Feeling crafty? grab a needle and thread and string some Nestlé® Buncha Crunch® into a bracelet or candy necklace. Tip: the candy pieces that had a dent in the center string the best.
6. Pretend to build a house with your Nestlé® Crunch® Fun Size Bars, just the right size for all those LEGO friends. Pretend play is far more fun with chocolate!
7. Instead of chocolate chips, use Nestlé® Buncha Crunch® in your favorite cookie mix. We used Cake Mix Cookies and placed the candies on the cookie dought before baking instead of mixing into the dough.
8. Share your Nestlé® Crunch® with a friend or make a new friend. Everyone will think you are so sweet if you are willing to share your treats!
9. Just eat it! Or have fun bribing your kids with chocolate if they let you take a super happy picture while they eat your work… Nestlé® Crunch®.
10. Feel the love. Spend a little time enjoying the happiness you feel when you do any of these boredom busters… then make your own happy Nestlé® Crunch® heart art.(was that too corny?) Chocolate makes me really happy… so how can you not want to share that kind of love?
Now it's your turn! I'd love to hear what kind of fun ideas you have to bust the boredom. I am giving away $25 (thanks to Nestlé® Crunch® and my Paypal account) so you can have fun and play with your food too! Enter below… Winner will be selected after 5pm on September 25, 2015.
You have 3 chances ways to enter – pick one or all of them, it's up to you.
Check out my Asiago Cheese Bruschetta recipe and enter for a chance to win $500 and a trip to NYC!
My boredom buster would be playing video games
When I get bored I like to watch my favorite tv shows or play Disney Infinity with my niece or mom.
When I am bored, I love searching for new, unique recipes. I look on cooking blogs and Pinterest for some inspiration! 🙂
My boredom buster is to enter sweepstakes and giveaways.
My favorite boredom buster is catching up on shows on my DVR.
I guess it would be watch Netflix.
When I am bored, I just plop on front of my computer and start surfing the net!