Are you a fan of coffee? Here's a coffee coloring page you can enjoy while you enjoy another cup of Joe. Both my husband and I work from home and some days there is a never ending flow of coffee. There have been days I not only have multiple cups of coffee, but I also have multiple containers for those cups… literal multiple cups. I'll put my cup of coffee down and then I get so busy moving around I can't remember where I left it. So I grab another cup of coffee.
I Love You More than Coffee Coloring Page
This little coffee coloring page is my own cute reminder that sometimes love is stronger than coffee. Grab your own copy, print it out and have some fun coloring. While you're at it, grab another cup of coffee too.
I've also created this same love for coffee coloring page in half size, coordinated with a mini planner schedule page. More organizing fun for you and printable goodness you're printer will love.