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I’m a happy mini gardener now

Written by: | Published: July 24, 2010 | Updated: June 05, 2017

Recently I've started saving all kinds of packaging so I can create art projects using recycled items. Last week, I had purchased a package of mini muffins that came in this cool little plastic carton with a space for each individual muffin. My first thought was – cool, a paint box with it's own lid! Then my husband walked in the room and said “hey cool, a little garden box”. What? Why didn't I think of something so cute and cool… and why did he think of anything related at all?

So I decided I'd plant a few seeds. I have a big garden box in the backyard that I have yet to plant. We haven't had any time to spend in the yard and the sprinkler isn't set up to water the area yet. So the idea of planting a few seeds inside where I'll remember to water them is pretty neat. This plastic box is even better… with a lid I can make a terrarium and not have to water at all!

I didn't know if this would work, but I figured I'd try it out. Worst case, nothing would grow and I'd have to go to the grocery store and get my veggies… like I always do. So I planted butter lettuce seeds in all 12 spots. Looking at the numbers, I figured If only 3 came up, I'd still be up by 25% from the empty garden out back. That was Wednesday.

This photo was taken 5 minutes ago (3 days from planting day).

How cool is that? 3 days and I already have mini veggies growing. I figure by labor day I'll have a whole salad! So food for thought for you (literally, right), same your plastic containers. Add some potting soil and a few seeds. Water. Close the lid and eventually you'll have more food without having left the house. Neato!

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Jen Goode Headshot

Jen is Passionate about Creativity. She is the owner and "doodle in charge" of JGoode Designs, a Denver based design studio. She is an illustrator, mixed media artist and creative lifestyle blogger. Jen has been a creative professional since 1998 but says she's been an artist since she was old enough to eat glue.

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2 thoughts on “I’m a happy mini gardener now”

  1. I just bought one of those the other day to take to a playdate. Really wishing I could have brought it home with me now and thought of using it for this. Now I am inspired, thanks!


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